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This page describes each of the controls on the Music Recorder window. For details of how to use the Music Recorder, see Introducing Matt's Music Recorder.
Your computer will have several audio input and audio output devices. The first step is to choose the device you want to record from. This is a list of all available audio device that were found. If your are playing something from the web, you can record from the Playback device which is being used. If you are recording an LP or tape via your A/D converter, then choose the relevant Recording device. The list of devices depends on your hardware and which drivers are installed.
Before you start recording, should can also check or select the sampling rate of the device by pressing the Sound Devices button to show the Windows 'Sound' settings.
Tip: In addition to the "speakers" playback device, some computers have a "digital output" driver, like the "Realtek Digital Output" device which you can see above. If recording from a playback device, you can sometimes get better quality or a higher sampling rate by selecting this digital output instead of the "Speakers" device.
These do what it says on the box. Depending on the driver of the 'Record From' device, the recording may start immediately, or it may start only when the playback is started. While recording, the button changes to 'Stop Recording' and it flashes red so you can see it's in record mode. When you press 'Stop Recording' it will save the recording file as an uncompressed 32-bit FLOAT WAV file, and add it to the 'Recorded Files' list, using a file name with the date, time and recoding device.
Tip: Before starting your recoding, always turn off any sound effects, such as 'Spatial Sound', 'Windows Sonic' or 'Dolby Atmos'. This is because your recording may be made *after* these effects have been added. You don't want those effects in your recording, because the effects might be added again when you play it back!
Pause the recording to skip parts you don't want to hear, like the ads. But you don't have to do this in real time because you can easily edit these out later using the Track Editor.
This opens the Windows 'Sound' settings, which you can also open using the taskbar's Speaker menu. Use this to view or select the sample rate and bit depth of your recording or playback devices.
If an ASIO (Audio Stream Input/Output) device is selected in the 'Record From' list, press this button to open the device's ASIO Control Panel. The button is disabled if an ASIO device is not selected. This can be used to configure the ASIO device's settings. Note: It may not be able to display the control panel if the ASIO device is not connected.
The text below the 'Start Recording' button shows the recording status. It shows the file name, recording duration hh:mm, recording size in MB/GB, the sample rate and bit depth. You can change the sample rate and bit depth before you start recording,via the Sound Devices button.
When recording starts, the waveform view scrolls from right to left, and the VU meters show the level of change of volume. If the color flashes to red, instead of being green, it means that "clipping" is occurring because the recording volume is too loud. Clipping is where the volume level is above that which can be stored digitally, and the waveform will be clipped at that level, which sounds terrible if it happens a lot in the recording.
Tip: The waveform may not scroll if the selected device is not producing an audio stream. This saves recording a lot of silence. Other devices will happily record hours of silence, and you won't see a scrolling waveform, so check the recording status to see if the time and file size is increasing. MuRec stops recording automatically after a long period of silence.
This is the list of recorded files it finds in the temporary recorded files directory. Each file has a name which indicates the year, date, time and device used when the recording was made. A column also shows the date/time, and another shows the size of the file.
The buttons below will act on the file which is selected in this list.
Opens the selected recording file in Matt's Track Editor, where you can split it into tracks and save it as MP3, WAV or FLAC files.
Plays the recording in Matt's Music Player. You can drag the Music Player's play-bar marker to play various parts of the recording.
Once the file has been saved as tracks, press this button to move it to the Recycle Bin. You can restore it from the Recycle Bin if you deleted it by mistake. Consider emptying the Recycle Bin from time to time if you have a lot of very big files in there.
Opens the folder in Windows File Explorer so you can do things manually, such as deleting recording without moving them to the Recycle Bin (Shift+Delete). If you delete or rename any files, press the 'Refresh' button to reload the 'Recorded Files' list.
This re-loads the 'Recorded Files' list from the recorded files folder. Use this if changes have been made manually.
You guessed it.